Narasimha priya is a Tamil drama serial, broadcast on Sun TV. The show premiered on 16 October 2008 and aired on every weekday at 9:30PM IST. The show starred Nalini, Vishwanath and Selvi as lead characters. The serial was directed by Dhillin Jeevan and produced by actress Kushboo's production company K Productions. The story of Narasimha priya tells about a girl named Priya who wants to be a painter but the family wants her to get married to somebody from the family . Her brother in law Sunil is a widower and has a son. Priya and Sunil fell in love . The title song of the serial was composed by Sadhu Kumar and sung by P. Unni Krishnan.
The series was directed by Dhillin Jeevan who also produced several serials like Roja Kootam, Mounam Pesiyadhe, Thavasi and Narasimha priya. The show producer Kushboo wanted to make a family oriented serial and hence she chose Dhillin Jeevan to bring the script named Pudhukottai Murai. The title song of the serial was composed by Sadhu Kumar and sung by P. Unni Krishnan. The lyrics were written by Subbu Arumugam, Sri kasthuri and Thamarai. The series was released on 16 October 2008 on Sun TV, the series also aired on Sun TV HD. The Show was also broadcast internationally on Channel's international distribution.
It was reported in 2014 that the actress Kushboo is planning to make a second season of her successful family serial Narasimha priya in STAR Vijay with almost the same cast . According to reports, she has already purchased the title rights of Narasimha priya with STAR Vijay channel .
The Series was released on 16 October 2008 on Sun TV. The Show was also broadcast internationally on Channel's international distribution. It was aired in Sri Lanka, South East Asia, Middle East, United States, Canada, Europe, Oceania, South Africa and Sub Saharan Africa on Sun TV. The show's episodes were released on YouTube channel as "Kushboo Fans".
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